Sunday, June 29, 2008

Creation/Name Selection Explaination

Welcome to the DC Bar Blog, where im sure I(DonkeyWrong) will be bitching half the time, and the other half, telling delightfully witty stories about my usual customers... drunken idiots and/or awesome sluts. See im a bartender in Washington DC, proud home of the gogo concert... no, not the really hott barely clothed kind of gogo... google it. I work and have worked in some of the most recognised bars/restaraunts/lounges and nightclubs in the area and so have my many coworkers who I will be getting a huge amount of my content from. This abundance of ridiculousness is sure to make one hell of a case for AA.
Im not sure where the "Donkey" term was originally fraised but I got it from my current roommate, and I took it and spread it amongst my friends and coworkers. Its pretty much the perfect way to give people nicknames. See being a Donkey is a good thing, a term of indearment. If youre not a Donkey, chances are, youre an Ass. Also, I dont want anyone to get in trouble/fired so I wont use anyones real name or name the places that I do/have worked. But my name, DonkeyWrong, came to me when creating this blog... basically asked a friend:

DonkeyWrong: Whats a really good adjective to describe me?
DonkeyRally: Grainy?
DonkeyWrong: hahaha what the hell does the mean?
DonkeyRally: Uhhh maybe cocky?
DonkeyWrong: Thats just wrong... wait a minute. Wrong is perfect!
DonkeyRally: lol. good.

Hopefully that clears up how I will use nicknames for people. And Wrong works because alot of what I say and do is just wrong, ask my coworkers...DonkeyMilf, DonkeySparkles, DonkeyCockBlock, DonkeyPacMan, DonkeyNinja, DonkeyPeaceCorps and my wingwomen in this operation, DonkeyATL (explainations of these names next-time). Anyways I invite everyone, especially Bartenders/Bar industry people to send me your stories/rants/whatever and we'll get this shit going.

PS im a bartender, i dont spellcheck

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