Saturday, July 5, 2008

4th of July with the Russians

Happy belated 4th everyone! Hope you were able to bbq and drink yourselves into a coma. Well instead of drinking and having fun, I of course got to work. Not a big deal, need the money, just a shame that I missed the fireworks.
I worked a Russian party and let me tell you... those people can drink. I went through 9 bottles of smirnoff myself, and many other bottles of other vodkas, and other stuff... and like 50 redbulls. I will be the first to thank that crowd for actually tipping. Getting Europeans in general to tip is like trying to convince DonkeyMILF to fuck me... its just not gonna happen, but NOW THERE IS HOPE!! Even engineering students know they dont tip:

DonkeyWeevil: did zey trink a lot of wodka
DonkeyWrong: yeah, a fuck ton
DonkeyWeevil: Da!
DonkeyWeevil: were the russkies mensheviks or bolsheviks?
DonkeyWeevil: or notipneviks?
DonkeyWrong: the fuck if I know.
DonkeyWeevil: No tip neviks
DonkeyWeevil: come on.

Well done Weevil. Very witty, but very true.

Overall I had really fantastic night, i mean only 2 bitches came in and gave me the whole "this tastes like pineapple, there aint no liquor init." Go back to Mirrors. If you want a crazy strong tasting drink, order vodka rocks, idiots.

On a separate note, ive been talking to DonkeyWeevil and he brings up a very interesting point. Have you ever been out workin on a girl/guy and you pull this maneuver:

"Scuse me, I gotta send this txt message to mah bro to tell him you 'n' me are gonna get nasty! *beep beep beep* Hey, where'd you go?"

We believe that happened to DonkeyRally. Its ok DR, it happens to the best of us. Theres a rub and tug at 14th and K if you really need it. No rage quiting.

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